The Firm carries out legal assistance activities in the criminal field, both in relation to the protection of the accused person and of the victim.

Corporate Crime ex D.lgs 231/01

Corporate Crime ex D.lgs 231/01

The relevant cases of offenses based on Legislative D.lgs. 231/2001 in order to configure the administrative responsibility of the institution.

Financial Crime

Financial Crime

Tax fraud, fraudulent declaration.

Building and Environmental Offenses

Building and Environmental Offenses

Abuse of buildings, subdivisions and urban offenses.



Computer fraud, unauthorized access to a computer or electronic system, defamation through social networks.

Financial crimes

Financial crimes

Insider trading, patrimonial infidelity, false social communications.

Bankruptcy Crimes

Bankruptcy Crimes

Bankruptcy, abuse of credit, omitted declaration of assets.

Offence against the person

Offence against the person

Homicide, injury, threat, mistreatment, beatings, kidnapping, private violence.

Property crime

Property crime

Theft, fraud, robbery, extortion, usury, recycling, damage, fire.

Occupational accident

Occupational accident

Murder, injury and the types of offenses provided for Job security law (T.U. 81/08).

Crimes Against PA

Crimes Against PA

Corruption, concussion, peculation.

Medical responsibility

Medical responsibility

Homicide and injuries in cases of medical malpractice.

Road crimes

Road crimes

Murder and road injuries, driving while drunk, driving without a license.

Drug-related crime

Drug-related crime

Crimes related to the possession or sale of drugs.

Immigration Offenses

Immigration Offenses

Illegal entry into the State, facilitating immigration, failure to execute an expulsion order.

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